I apparently have joined the "final frontier" of realtime updating and got a
TwitterI guess if I'm really serious about this networking and getting anything of mine off the ground, I'd better start kissing some twittering ass.
Scanning of the start of a possible screenprinting project may be in the works, hopefully with the careful guidance of a Paul Barron, whom you should check out anyway because he's awesome.
Continuing in the mollusk direction ... why, you may ask. Finally figured out my obsession: I will never ever be able to reach the depths of the sea at which these creatures can survive because of my ears (eardrums ruptured at age 4, any more pressure than just flying in an airplane gives me vertigo and immense pain), and I can't stand to be away from the ocean or water. We're biologically similar and it also gives a strange sense of the "uncanny" because they tend to resemble parts of ourselves (genitalia, limbs, etc.), somewhat in the same arena as zombies creep us out (living but dead) or prosthetic limbs. And yes, I am more or less quoting Mr. Eric Olson, whom was mentioned in an earlier post. At least
some of what I learned in school is sticking and being applied, despite that it was, yes, art school.
Going back to sleep, despite the two cups of coffee.
If you really love me, let me eat your brains ...