Thursday, April 30, 2009


I would much rather prefer that I was updating this with some kind of regularity other than just me bitching and moaning, and creating a noise in the spectrum of your mind that didn't resemble Lucille Ball's "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH".
I've been having health problems (hopefully solved soon), love interests gone south (always some kind of blundering through), blah blah blah. What I really should be bitching about is having to go all the way back to Oakland to scan in my newly finished comic page, or hell, finding a job to PAY for a high quality scanner.
... I have no desire to wake up in 8 hours.
The following video describes my exact thoughts, and I encourage you to catch it's midnight screening at the Landmark Theaters on Linda & Piedmont Ave on May 8th and 9th.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wingnut Presents

Sneak preview of what the cover of my comic will look like. This is more or less dicking around with the various contact paper that I "inherited". I am eternally grateful to my friend Russell.
I may end up using a different "model" for the role of "Aly Sinn", but I would need to get a hold of a couple of different people and get some stock photos of them.
I've also started a separate page for Christine Juniper
I've become so content with it, I will be including this as a title page/disclaimer. I don't think I could've done this project, or even started it really without the help of her, Russell and a few others.
And to you, I say thank you. I hope you're happy with the result.
More updates on the art later.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A diversion of sorts

Beware my attempts at poetry.
I wrote this back during the winter for my father (psychosis, much?)

I married my wife and not my children; question for tree:
does pollen belong to the flower, to the roots
roots to the soil?
Fermented vine of delayed fruition
eight years long, vintage fifty-six - this coming harvest
I will not beckon with hardened fingers, bend and
bind O Root, come home.
Veins never bound --- why start now?
I did not marry my children, green & budding writhing
upward trusting into darkness the life and
the shame of gray bodies.

© Caitlin Interruption

Sunday, April 12, 2009