Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feminism Doesn't Sparkle [outside link]

Working in a used bookstore, you get a lot of surprising questions/statements. Probably one of my favorites still remains to be, "Hey, so I'm looking for that Romeo and Juliet book by Ridley Scott?"
Anonymous bookseller: "... You mean by William SHAKESPEARE?"
Witless wanderer: "Yeah, that's the one."
But I digress ...

A friend sent me the above meme because I expressed distaste for the Twilight series, and have to bite my tongue when muscle-bound men and housewives have lined up, requested and belittled in order to get copies of the saga.
And now, another friend has posted this link, I was compelled, dear reader, to take it one step beyond, and give it the Caitlin Interruption nod (whatever the hell that may end up being worth).

"I love love. I think love is wonderful, but Twilight is not love, Twilight is not about healthy, equal relationships. Love is about equality. About partnerships. About trust."

I'm all for literacy, trust, equality and love. And no, I can't just read a book without analyzing it. Sorry lovelies.
[Edit: Why can't I just enjoy something for the enjoyment of it? Here's the explanation in a nutshell. And it was called "Moff's Law", and it was good]
Cheers to vampires the way they should be
(wrinkly, on the brink of decomposition and blood-thirsty)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Because there is [no]thing to report other than

"I'm allergic to the world when we are separated, there's nothing in my heart that's worth a-beating"

Epic stay-cation coming to a close on Tuesday, I've spent the last few days being social instead of completing the paintings I've started. I missed out on Pride because I'm terrified of crowds. True story.
But I digress ...

Check out this cool cat.
Circa 2007

Shameless sibling promotion? Yes.
Cryptic bloggity blogs when I said I would should be sleeping?


Friday, June 18, 2010

Bottom of boxes and backs of minds

I do tarot readings (or used to) on a weekly basis. I found this card at the bottom of a box of used books at my work.
Basic meanings of this card in particular:

Have an Effect
make your plans real
mold the physical world
use your body
experience nature
achieve tangible results
act on your dreams
get events in motion
Be Practical
take a realistic approach
apply the tools at hand
find a solution that works
use common sense
stop daydreaming
work with what you have

concentrate on what's effective

Be Prosperous
draw to you what you need
increase your means
grow and expand
enrich yourself
go out to meet success
seek abundance
become secure

Be Trusting/Trustworthy
accept that the solution is well in hand
have faith in others
accommodate uncertainty
accept others at their word
keep your word
prove yourself dependable
stick by your commitments
establish credibility
Apologies, I just like when things like this drop into my lap.
On that note, going back to painting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Recent Developements

  1. Maelie Ladylove has graciously offered to let me use her scanner/printer for the time that she is Aloha Mae (in Hawaii with her Navy boylove). Downside: recently paid off two major debts and therefore can't even afford the tank of gas to get down to San Jose to retrieve it.
  2. Attended "Seeing Red" at Old Crow Tattoo & Art Gallery in Oakland (in the magical time when I had gas in my car). This guy made me go out and spend my last few dollars on a canvas, to which I say thank you.
  3. I've been listening to Evelyn Evelyn compulsively since my return from Yosemite. And after overdosing on stupid from my shift this morning, it is sorely needed.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Death of the Wayfairers and Nipple Falls [An Adventure]

I escaped on Thursday after an eight hour shift to Mariposa.

After four hours of 2-lane highways, 7 mile stretches of construction littered with people who didn't know how to properly merge and pitch black night seeping in between my music, I finally arrived in Mariposa. I can't say Mariposa is a one horse town, but I don't recall seeing a stop light. I vaguely recognized the protruding storefronts in the darkness from my last visit circa 2002, although my journey resulted in going the opposite direction anyway.

Moral of the beginning of story:

a journey into the middle of bumfuck nowhere at the end of a workday tends to be far longer than it really should be.

Eventually made it to Casa de Granville, where Rew and I made cheesy scrambled eggs with toast and caught up on the past eight months since The Northern Renaissance Faire. Boggle was brought out for two games (apparently Trouble meets Scrabble?) until Go-Go arrived from Fresno. Food was unpacked and introductions were made to extended family and Mr. Bojangles (family lovable behemoth dog). We plotted out our attack for the next day (and a couple of fantasy treehouses, see picture included)
We tackled the Mist Trail successfully, despite sunburns and prominent nipples making their descent down from the top of Vernal Falls.

Long story long, and being rather long-winded, I conclude I must go back before the summer is over, at least for sanity's sake.