The world is exploding all around us, but no one seems to answer the sonic boom, or raise their heads from the sand. I'll admit my loves, I'm also guilty of slow response and hiding; this is my first entry since March. I'm learning which things I can change, and which ones I can't; most of them have first names.
Small stories and vignettes are in the works, as always. Renaissance Faire is creeping up around the corner, of which I will be working/participating the first weekend, fourth and fifth weekend. Renaissance Faire has only been a part of my life for a couple of years and it already conjures up MANY memories. Life moves so quickly, everything weighs heavily on a glance or a blink of an eye, and it can vanish in that span. Treasure it, loves.
Speaking of memories, I saw this chick live in June. Phenomenal show ^_^
Enigmatic closing comment to be inserted here.
Turn & face the strange ---