Friday, July 29, 2011

Friends, Romans, Countrymen ...

Of my pirated internet, I am able to contribute these few words to this blog. None of which are wise, I am afraid. I wish I could regal you in my updated art, but alas, there is none to post. Shall I sing you a sonnet of my fiancé? I'll spare you such, my loves.

The world is exploding all around us, but no one seems to answer the sonic boom, or raise their heads from the sand. I'll admit my loves, I'm also guilty of slow response and hiding; this is my first entry since March. I'm learning which things I can change, and which ones I can't; most of them have first names.

Small stories and vignettes are in the works, as always. Renaissance Faire is creeping up around the corner, of which I will be working/participating the first weekend, fourth and fifth weekend. Renaissance Faire has only been a part of my life for a couple of years and it already conjures up MANY memories. Life moves so quickly, everything weighs heavily on a glance or a blink of an eye, and it can vanish in that span. Treasure it, loves.

Speaking of memories, I saw this chick live in June. Phenomenal show ^_^

Enigmatic closing comment to be inserted here.

Turn & face the strange ---

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love, loss and malarkey

And now for something completely different:
In the process of moving my parents out of their house in the 'burbs to another house in a more remote 'burb. The good news is I'll at least be creating a studio space in the near future for all of my pending projects (cough, COUGH...)
Today I am dragging my boyfriend to the Cantor Arts Center (if ye be a South Bay-ish hoodlum like yours truly, it's in Palo Alto, and best of all it's FREE) to gawk at Rodin's famous Gates of Hell.
I've quit hard alcohol after getting alcohol poisoning the day after Christmas.
I haven't quit art, it's just taken the backseat of my short bus with all the chaos that can be gently referred to as my life. It's all about time (isn't everything?)...
Smiles and snark,

Friday, January 21, 2011

2011, yous gots some esplainen to dooooo.

Welcome to 2011, friends.
Sorry about the delay, I was half way between another WTF moment or so.
Here, have some art.
I painted this for my boyfriend's birthday back in October.
Next up, a poem by Mary Johnson, butchered/illustrated by yours truly.
Other big news: CaitlinInterruption will be moving.
Details to come.
Much love to you,
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.