At twenty-two, I didn't expect to have deal with the problems of my own fertility, or lack thereof at this point. I've got bum parts and no instructions, ha. Also, let it be noted that going and getting blitzed out of your mind is no way to deal with these issues (as I did last night, oi vey), but I got overwhelmed being surrounded by children, babies, and pregnant women. They all seemed to flock to one spot (no, not the bar), and I couldn't escape my emo self.
I did this drawing about three years ago from a borrowed anatomy book. A lot of my earlier work has been based off of anatomy because of my family's long genetic history of having bum parts (be it the heart, ovaries, skeletal structure, etc.), and their various ways of dealing with them.
I've kind of tried going forth with my life and trying to function, but it kind of sucks when it feels like there's a tiny gremlin in your pelvis trying to remove your ovaries with a broken spork.
More embarrassing details to come, and hopefully some more art.
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