Tuesday, July 21, 2009


- Through the course of this summer, I'm having far too much fun getting coffee and exchanging comic books and music with one Mr. Murray, pictured left in the rain at Greek Theater when we went to see DCFC. Quite the smelly pirate hooker.
- I have a job interview at Buckle in Stoneridge Mall (huzzah monies) on Wednesday. I go back into the retail pit of despair, and answer these questions three. ... Ok, not really.
- Tomorrow my family finds out if we can keep our house.
- Got an unofficial commission to toss around some ideas for a tattoo sleeve of deep sea creatures (FUCK YES), going to start playing around with that and some designs.
- I need to tackle Paul when he comes back from NYC, take him out for lunch or something, and in exchange have him give me a tutorial for screenprinting so I can mass produce some templates for birth announcements (Three couples, my brother included, are all expecting within the same span of this next month). One asked for a design, so why not make some copies.
- I made the mistake of taking a nap when I got home from math class today. Now I get to pretend to be responsible and try to get to sleep before 2AM. Let the battle begin.

xo caitlin

1 comment:

jacob said...

I look like a creeper