Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Call for Submissions, Reverse That

  1. I'm broke to the point where I'm offering to do commissions. Hell even if you know someone who wants their DOG painted, send them my way. Reasonably priced, of course. I offer this (or push this onto) because of the 15 different places I've applied, NO one is hiring. Thanks, Economy.
  2. My dad was denied long-term disability, primarily due to the "restrictions" that are being heavily placed on state-spending, etc. I don't want to go on bashing Schwartzenegger, but I feel like he's cut so many public services that it's really just making me nauseated to even consider it.
  3. The two first points may result in the decision to postpone school if I'm unable to do financial aid (again).
  4. Also trying to raise money to take a train out to New Mexico to see my brother Michael and his fiancé Melissa.
  5. And lastly, perhaps most importantly ... Where the FUCK has this year gone?

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