Friday, December 4, 2009

Wonders never cease

  1. By some strange turn of events, I got/get to see two people I'm completely enamored with, within the same week.
  2. Thanks to Facebook, saw a friend became a fan of the very same band whose lead singer I attacked with icewater after he called me a dyke in front of a whole bar. Did I mention he was wearing a viking helmet and wearing a Tarzan sheath whilst playing a neon green cello WHILE he was doing this? See above picture. I can't make this shit up. Post Script: Dear sir, if somehow you end up reading this -waves- I hope I fried your wireless set, fuckface.

I haven't looked forward to a Friday this eagerly in a long time.
Next episode of See Eye:
The Great Christmas [What the] Dickens Faire

Cheers, yours into almost certain and coveted oblivion,


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to see that, although I think you should have thrown something stronger than icewater.


Caitlin Interruption said...

A pint glass came to mind, definitely.