Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh, Onion. You Never Let Me Down.

The joke used to be that if you were dating someone and the solitary book they had on their shelves was Catcher in the Rye, to run for the hills.
This still applies.

Newest literary consumption: Doctor Zhivago.
On deck: House of Leaves.

Brought to you by way of many sniffles
and watching Finding Nemo while attempting to find an order to the chaos that is
my living space.


Maelie Jade said...

<3 House of Leaves <3

Why did you decide to read it?

Caitlin Interruption said...

An exchange of favorite books with a gentleman by the name of Pope. I gave him Catch-22 because he had never read it. I had never read House of Leaves, therefore, I'm reading it.