Monday, January 4, 2010

Stuck in Airports

My family and I used to travel quite a bit up until a few years ago, usually to see my mother's side of the family in the Midwest. I originally started this blog as a way to catalog me making my way out to Michigan and record my Welsh grandmother's stories about growing in London during the Blitzkrieg. She and my great uncle David were among the children evacuated to the countryside.

I forgot all about the in between time spent trying to get to where the hell you're going, until recently where I found myself waiting to see people who had gone far away from me. Sometimes cool stuff happens when you're waiting around. The last Christmas I went to Michigan, we were stuck in Chicago due to bad weather. A worker from the tarmac came in from the cold, grabbed a microphone and started singing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music over the intercom.

May I direct your attention then, to this little gem, and the diagram for why this works so well.


Maelie Jade said...

I forgot about that chart. <3

Morna Paige said...

The diagram kindof works, except it's "the minute you let her under your skin..." which threw me off. other than that it's a great idea.