Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jive turkey, Jive.

I didn't realize when I started to draw this turkey, that he has a unicorn horn. Go mythical turkey, GO!
There is relevance in my madness, really. 
... you shall see. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And now for something completely different

Escaped the WetLands of SphincterVille and I come to you now, live (or at least mobile and deceased) from Oaktizzle. Pirating technology and running into schoolmates. Original intent was to change out a piercing, but that doesn't seem financially sensible (and driving all the way up to Oakland in the pouring rain to scan art is?)

It makes me laugh that even when I come to the school I've been at for the past three years, I've changed to the point where some can't recognize me.
And I won't be the one to bring it to their attention.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th, monsoons, and a new project

The art show that my friend Carter and I were scheduled for was a bust. The scheduling got mixed up apparently, and we aren't showing currently. Stuck in traffic I thought about a random fact about turkeys.
Wild turkeys drown when it rains and they look up. 

"You were in a dark patch, and you lost your hair ..."

I believe that's a line from a Beatles' song, "Don't Pass Me By". 
What I find to be symbolic is the fact that I named this blog originally "Leaving Oakland or Lack Thereof". When I meant leaving Oakland, it was only to try to get out to the other side of the country to see my dying grandmother (who is still around, actually) and record some of the stories that she has from the war, of my grandfather and my mother's childhood. I never was able to, and had to stop going to school and, in the past few weeks, eventually leave Oakland altogether. This past week has been the only downtime I've had in almost a year, save the two times that my father ended up in the hospital. 
My kittens have head colds, and have gotten used to my family's 109 lb. black lab named Moose. 
I have plenty of things to scan to be posted here, but they will wait for a "decent" hour.