Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel

Got my first (and probably only) commission for the summer to do an album cover for a friend. I'm really excited to have something to do as my Algebra class comes to a close tomorrow (ugh). Actually, in 12 hours.
Post Script
I finished the squarenose-helmetfish painting, and gave it as a going away present.

Post-Post Script
Forgive the poetry if it's not your cup of tea.

Discontent cleared with the fog and left its stain
My dear Supplant, spare me the details;
born and pulled out by the root.
Near your clavicle, shy of your vein,
another open mouth
for sustenance from your

still heart where I used to feed.
A ransom for the sins of mankind,
her act is innocent in one-sided
affection and affliction.
You wept,
open and waiting for the rain.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


  1. It's strangely alluring and actually terrifying that the one of the last men I fell in love with now physically resembles Alex's character from A Clockwork Orange. Right down to the haircut.
  2. This is the strangest thing I've seen in a while.
  3. I need to start writing nonvisual narratives again, the brain is brewing up some really strange shit in my unemployment.
My mind is now wandering in directions that if anything, I'd love to be able to say, and say eloquently and privately. Whatever. This wasn't created to be a personal venting station for me.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My hips give nothing away

Not tonight, not to you, but I think we both know that you'll stay and ...

My dad's way of communicating is by cooking and talking with me about books. I took a two hour drive just to get a white ink Sakura pen to finish up my painting of a Square nose Helmetfish. I'll scan it in when I'm finished.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


- Through the course of this summer, I'm having far too much fun getting coffee and exchanging comic books and music with one Mr. Murray, pictured left in the rain at Greek Theater when we went to see DCFC. Quite the smelly pirate hooker.
- I have a job interview at Buckle in Stoneridge Mall (huzzah monies) on Wednesday. I go back into the retail pit of despair, and answer these questions three. ... Ok, not really.
- Tomorrow my family finds out if we can keep our house.
- Got an unofficial commission to toss around some ideas for a tattoo sleeve of deep sea creatures (FUCK YES), going to start playing around with that and some designs.
- I need to tackle Paul when he comes back from NYC, take him out for lunch or something, and in exchange have him give me a tutorial for screenprinting so I can mass produce some templates for birth announcements (Three couples, my brother included, are all expecting within the same span of this next month). One asked for a design, so why not make some copies.
- I made the mistake of taking a nap when I got home from math class today. Now I get to pretend to be responsible and try to get to sleep before 2AM. Let the battle begin.

xo caitlin

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Call for Submissions, Reverse That

  1. I'm broke to the point where I'm offering to do commissions. Hell even if you know someone who wants their DOG painted, send them my way. Reasonably priced, of course. I offer this (or push this onto) because of the 15 different places I've applied, NO one is hiring. Thanks, Economy.
  2. My dad was denied long-term disability, primarily due to the "restrictions" that are being heavily placed on state-spending, etc. I don't want to go on bashing Schwartzenegger, but I feel like he's cut so many public services that it's really just making me nauseated to even consider it.
  3. The two first points may result in the decision to postpone school if I'm unable to do financial aid (again).
  4. Also trying to raise money to take a train out to New Mexico to see my brother Michael and his fiancé Melissa.
  5. And lastly, perhaps most importantly ... Where the FUCK has this year gone?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just for fun

Me circa 2005 & Emma Watson interview

Ok fine, I effing give.
... I have those same exact boots she's wearing somewhere, no joke.