Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh, Onion. You Never Let Me Down.

The joke used to be that if you were dating someone and the solitary book they had on their shelves was Catcher in the Rye, to run for the hills.
This still applies.

Newest literary consumption: Doctor Zhivago.
On deck: House of Leaves.

Brought to you by way of many sniffles
and watching Finding Nemo while attempting to find an order to the chaos that is
my living space.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Solace, Hallmark holidays, angst, and feathers

Rather than mope over being single for another Valentine's Day, I am gathering a group of people to go to San Francisco for the Third Annual Pillow Fight.
Five solid minutes of feathered fury.

Email me at caitlininterruption [at] gmail [dot] com to organize.
We shall not go quietly into the night,
however I will shuffle sniffling into work.
Damned head colds


Monday, January 18, 2010

Defining the border

[Photo credit: Elizabeth Dowell, RISD; 2006]
You get to a point to where you can no longer feel guilty about enjoying yourself, but have to maintain a sense of dignity.
If you don't, you won't have anything left.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Stuck in Airports

My family and I used to travel quite a bit up until a few years ago, usually to see my mother's side of the family in the Midwest. I originally started this blog as a way to catalog me making my way out to Michigan and record my Welsh grandmother's stories about growing in London during the Blitzkrieg. She and my great uncle David were among the children evacuated to the countryside.

I forgot all about the in between time spent trying to get to where the hell you're going, until recently where I found myself waiting to see people who had gone far away from me. Sometimes cool stuff happens when you're waiting around. The last Christmas I went to Michigan, we were stuck in Chicago due to bad weather. A worker from the tarmac came in from the cold, grabbed a microphone and started singing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music over the intercom.

May I direct your attention then, to this little gem, and the diagram for why this works so well.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I heard Grizzly Bear's "Two Weeks" while in the grocery store on New Year's Eve in the middle of the day. A bit of a trip.

I have solemnly sworn to not jump to conclusions about how to conduct this next year, other than to just keep breathing.

Oh, and to upload more damned art / actually upload pages from this effing comic, just so I have something back up this "website", other than just my rotten observations, tasteless cadence and links to online movies.

Hello, Twenty-Ten. Play nice, or I'll kick your face in.
