Sunday, July 25, 2010


An HTML/Dreamweaver/CSS tutorial
to make my own website
and get away from this lameness
(sorry, but I'm starting to outgrow you. It's not y-- ... actually, it is you).

in exchange:
a home-cooked meal by yours truly.
And yes, I can actually cook.
Creepsters and complete strangers need not apply without good reason.


Maelie Jade said...

I can't help you from this far away, but I could actually work on something for you. However, as far as posting and auto-archiving and all of that goodness goes - it's far easier to use blogger and just have it linked or embedded to a site than to try to go through all of the mind-numbing coding it would take to get a fully functional blog up on a site.

Caitlin Interruption said...

Ahhh, that's sort of a comfort.
P.S. Can you send me your old address via email so I can pick up the scanner from Joey and get on this whole uploading art thing?

Anonymous said...

hey, it's Valentina from the HPB.

i took a course on html& css and still have the textbook. It's illustrated, has lots of examples, and is relatively easy to read. I'd be more than happy to donate it to your cause.
Here's the link for my edition:

see you later :)