Yes, my dear Dr. Twinkletits, it is true.
Teasers of illustrations to be posted in Paper Airplane. These particular ones go along with a story written by a gentleman I only know as "Woody".
Apologies for my absence.
A Blog Shame(fully)lessly Promoting Bad Comics and Nonsensical Ravings Local or Otherwise
Summer Climax: The Grand Cardinal Cross
Right before the moment of coherence is the point of maximum chaos. We are now there at the topof the roller coaster, zero point, chaos point.
Just two years before the Mayan calendar end date of December 21,2012, in the summer of 2010, 2 transpersonal planets, Uranus and Pluto, 2 social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and 2 personal planets, the Sun and Mars, will confront each other upon the Cross of Matter in one of the most intense formations in all of astrology, often experienced only once in a human lifetime, a Grand Cardinal Cross. The waiting is over....
The Cardinal signs are the initiators of the zodiac, the outward, expressive thrust of energy in each of the four elements and seasons. Hence, Aries is Cardinal Fire and the spark of spring. Cancer is cardinal water and begins at the summer solstice. Libra is cardinal air and marks the equinox. Capricorn is cardinal earth and initiates the dark season at the winter solstice. Since they rule the seasons, the alignment of many planets upon the Cardinal Cross can literally change the face of the earth. We are about to embark on a time of dramatic change, mounting tension, and the aching pulse for a whole new paradigm for human existence.
In his Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas describes the rare experiences where multiple archetypal cycles overlap, involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, as begins in 2010. We find this explosive dynamic during the French Revolution, the years 1964-67, and 1929-1933.
Tarnas writes, "Especially problematic in such eras was the extreme intensification of both widespread revolutionary upheaval and violent authoritarian repression in a tightly bound dialectic, mutually activating each other."
Those specially affected by this transit, with an important role to play as initiators of this will have planets at the first degrees of the Cardinal signs and the last degrees of the mutable signs, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces. There will be a surge of intense stress, motivation, and passion in the planets located at these positions. Let them be your guides for your next phase of evolution.
I'm all for literacy, trust, equality and love. And no, I can't just read a book without analyzing it. Sorry lovelies.
"I love love. I think love is wonderful, but Twilight is not love, Twilight is not about healthy, equal relationships. Love is about equality. About partnerships. About trust."